Magically Gifted

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter One
KarenaWilliams 0 147 by KarenaWilliams
Jul 29, 2005 16:34:57 GMT -5


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Magically Gifted
You, my friend, just found out that you?re a witch. You always believed that you weren?t exactly ?normal? but now that your parents came right out and told you that you were a witch and you would be going to a school called Hogwarts you can?t help but be surprised. Turns out that the Headmaster of the school decided to accept you into his school even though technically you would be in sixth year. It?s been three years since your parents told you that and you had been getting private lessons so now you?re completely caught up with your classmates. What insanities will ensue when you go to school there? (Takes place during Marauder?s times) Reader/Remus with slight Reader/Sirius and one-sided Reader/Peter; James/Lily; Sirius/OC
Rating- R (Just In Case)
Warning(s)- Mild violence and cursing
Genre(s)-Romance, Drama/Angst, Language
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